
 PFS Ltd. has access to experts in various fields that are available to consult on the subjects below, and many that are not listed. Contact Us and we will connect you with a subject matter expert that can help you find the best solutions for your department.

Program Development

Special operations is a challenging field. These incidents are high risk low frequency events that are difficult to fully prepare for. Let our experts assist you with developing training programs or response plans for these challenging events. Additionally, we are experienced in standards consulting and development and can assist you with developing your own standards or guidelines.


Popular Consulting Options:

  • Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)

  • Training Program NFPA Compliance

  • Hose and Nozzle Evaluation/Flow Testing

  • High Rise Operations

  • Training Facility/Prop Design

  • Training Program Development

  • Target Solutions Development

  • Equipment Spec/Purchasing

  • United Nations USAR Coordination

  • Exercise Planning

  • Accreditation