Incident Command System (ICS)
The Incident Command System is a standard on site command and control system used to manage emergency incidents and planned events. ICS Canada is the network of organizations working cooperatively to maintain a standard Incident Command System that enhances incident management response through improved interoperability. The ICS Canada material includes an operational description of the system, a full suite of training materials as well as policy documents that outline processes and responsibilities for managing the material, training, certificates etc.
What is ICS Canada?
Introduction to Incident Command System, I-100 introduces the Incident Command
System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course
describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident
Command System
6 hour course
ICS 100
Basic Incident Command System, I-200 defines the unique qualities of ICS as an
event or incident management system. The course units and lessons provide
introduction to leadership and management, delegation of authority and
management by objectives, functional areas and positions, briefings,
organizational flexibility, and transfer of command.
14 hour course
ICS 200
I-300 defines the unique qualities of ICS as an event or incident management system in an expending/escalating situation . I-300 is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event using ICS in supervisory roles on expanding or type 3 incidents.
17 hour course
ICS 300
*PFS is an EMCR endorsed provider of ICS training in BC